(2)黑龙江省科技厅,黑龙江省重点研发计划子课题, GA21B006-1,药食同源天然植物原料质量标准的研究, 2021-09至2024-08, 3万元,在研,主持
(3)北芪五加可溶性粉临床试验 (860053),横向课题,17.36万/21.7万,(2017.7-2017.11,主持)
1.Xiaoyue Xiao, Yang Zhang , Kedi Sun , Shuoqi Liu , Qingmiao Li , Yu Zhang , Bello-Onaghise Godspower , Tong Xu , Zhiyun Zhang , Yanhua Li* , Yanyan Liu,*Enzymatic and ultrasound assistedβ-cyclodextrin extraction of active ingredients from Forsythia suspensa and their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities.UltrasonicsSonochemistry, 2024,8(108),106944.
2.Xuejiao Song, Chang Liu, Yang Zhang, Xiaoyue Xiao, Guorui Han, Kedi Sun, Shuoqi Liu, Zhiyun Zhang, Chunliu Dong, Yadan Zheng, Xueying Chen, Tong Xu, Yanyan Liu, Yanhua Li,Sustainable extraction of ligustilide and ferulic acid from Angelicae Sinensis Radix, for antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities,Ultrasonics Sonochemistry,2023,94, 10634
3.韩国瑞,肖小玥,张阳,李艳华,陈雪英,王秀敏,秦俊杰,刘艳艳,基于网络药理学和分子对接探究归芪益母口服液治疗猪气虚血瘀证的作用机制[J].中国畜牧兽医, 2023, 50(02): 722-733.
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6.Tong Xu, Qiaohan Liu , Dan Chen, Yanyan Liu*,Atrazine exposure induces necroptosis through the P450/ROS pathway andcauses inflammation in the gill of common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.),Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 2022,(131)809–816
7.Liu Yan-Yan, Chen Xing-Ru., Wang Jin-Peng., Cui Wen-Qiang., Xing Xiao-Xu., Chen Xue-Ying., Ding Wen-Ya., God'spower Bello-Onaghise., Eliphaz Nsabimana., Sun Meng-Qing., Li Yan-Hua. Transcriptomic analysis reveals flavonoid biosynthesis of Syringa oblata Lindl. in response to different light intensity.BMC Plant Biology, 2019, 19(1).
8.Xing-RuChen,Yan-YanLiu,Yong-HuiZhou,Xiao-XuXing,Qian-WeiQu,Xue-YingChen,Wen-YaDing,Guang-LongCheng,Ai-JuanWei,Xi-WenFeng. Process optimization of syringa oblata lindl. by response surface methodology and its effect on staphylococcus xylosus biofilm. RSC Advance. 2019, 9(62), 36088-36096.
9.Liu Yan-Yan, Chen Xing-Ru., Gao Ling-Fei., Chen Mo., Cui Wen-Qiang., Ding Wen-Ya., Chen Xue-Ying., God'spower Bello-Onaghise., Li Yan-Hua. Syringa oblata Spectrum-Effect Relationships Between the Bioactive Ingredient of Lindl. Leaves and Its Role in Inhibiting the Biofilm Formation of Streptococcus suis. Frontiers in pharmacology, 2018, 9, 570.
10.Liu Yanyan, Wang Tianzi., Ding Wenya., Dong Chunliu., Wang Xiaoting., Chen Jianqing., Li Yanhua. Dissolution and oral bioavailability enhancement of praziquantel by solid dispersions. Drug Delivery & Translational Research, 2018, 8(3), 580-590.
11. Yanyan Liu, Xiaoyan Jiao,Xiaojie Teng, Xianhong Gu * and Xiaohua Teng * . Antagonistic effect of selenium on lead-induced inflammatory injury through inhibiting the nuclear factor-kB signaling pathway and stimulating selenoproteins in chicken hearts . RSC Adv. 2017,7, 24878 -24884.
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